Highly rated
science & math
tutors in Boston, MA

Our science & math tutors in Boston, MA inspire students to learn and succeed

I can now practice math by myself because I know how to do it and my confidence has improved. I never had this ability before!

— Frida, student

I feel more confident and trusting in myself when it comes to saying an answer in class or on homework assignments.”

— Maxwell, student

Parents love us

“Boston Private Tutors has convinced my daughter that learning math can be fun and rewarding. Over this last school year, her math grade has gone from a D to an A.”

— Paula, parent

Expert tutors in all STEM subjects
for grades 6-12

Looking for the best tutor in math, science, or engineering?

Boston Private Tutors is comprised of expert online tutors with 10+ years experience, educated at MIT, Harvard, and Tufts, specializing in math, science, and engineering. We empower students to feel proud of what they accomplish by not only enriching their academic success but also making them feel joy about what they have learned.

Student wearing glasses and smiling giving a thumbs up at highly rated math tutors in Boston, MA.

Science & math tutors for middle school

  • All Math

  • All Science

  • Computer Science

  • Intro Engineering and Robotics

Math tutors for high school

Regular, Honors, and AP Classes

  • Algebra I

  • Geometry

  • Algebra II

  • Trigonometry

  • Precalculus

  • Calculus

  • Statistics

Science tutors for high school

Regular, Honors, and AP Classes

  • Physics

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Computer Science

  • Engineering and Robotics

How does online tutoring work?

  1. First, schedule a free academic consultation with us.

  2. We will develop an individualized tutoring plan to help your child succeed. Whether your child needs to catch up on missed material, improve grades, or be challenged to reach the next level, we will customize a plan to support you and help you achieve your goals.

  3. Your child starts lessons with one of our MIT, Harvard, or Tufts educated tutors with 10+ years experience. We highly recommend meeting your tutor on a regular schedule to avoid cramming - usually once or twice a week. We also provide email support in between sessions.

  4. We check in to make sure your tutor is a good fit, and that your child is making good progress. We are flexible and adjust the plan as needed.

  5. Our students gain confidence, problem solving ability, and study skills. They are more able to tackle tough concepts and problems in class by themselves.

“Amazing! I am able to figure out problems that I was not capable of previously, and how to continue working on the problem even if I was not sure how to do it.”

— Clare, student

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our expert tutors teach by one-on-one video calls with students.

    We use online whiteboard tools to share writing and diagrams, just like on paper.

    Our tutors are also available by email if questions arise between sessions.

  • Each tutoring session is tailored to focus on areas where your child needs the most improvement, without stress.

    Our tutors are experienced, caring, and friendly, and begin with the student’s existing knowledge as a foundation.

    We always work to build confidence and problem-solving ability in a positive environment, without judgment or disappointment in wrong answers. Mistakes are a necessary stepping stone to success.

  • Absolutely!

    Focused private instruction is one of the best ways to catch up after missed classes and build a stronger understanding of the prerequisites to be able to learn in class again.

  • Yes, our tutors have 10+ years of experience and are highly qualified to teach the subjects listed above.

    To qualify to tutor a particular course (e.g. AP Chemistry), one of our tutors must have completed at least two more advanced courses (e.g. college chemistry and organic chemistry).

  • You know what’s best for you and your child. If students are struggling in class or falling behind, expert tutoring can help them get back on track.

    If your child is not interested in or challenged enough by science and math classes, a private tutor can help pique their interest and push them to the next level.

    With a tutor, you can relax knowing that your child has a plan for learning success.

“Boston Private Tutors helped me understand the concepts right from the basics. They spent a lot of time making every part of the solution crystal clear for me. I couldn’t have done my homework if it wasn’t for Stephanie.”